12 Celebrities with Epilepsy: Famous People with Epilepsy - brooksblaway
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that affects the central excitable system. Information technology causes seizures that range from mild to severe.
Anyone Crataegus laevigata have an unexplained seizure in one case during a lifetime. It's also possible to have one that is provoked by an sickness operating room injury. But a diagnosis of epilepsy means having two or more unprovoked seizures.
Epilepsy can be toughened, and precautions can control seizures and understate injuries. In fact, most people with epilepsy live lifelong and sane lives, including these celebrities. Check out what these 12 famous people with epilepsy have to enounce about their condition, and see where you might describe some inspiration of your own.

Rap superstar Lil John Wayne recently came clean about the term he has dealt with for much of his life. In 2013, he was hospitalized when He had a series of seizures. They occurred after shooting a music video, and it was assumed they were brought on by a busy schedule and lack of sleep. Recalling this frightening metre, Wayne said, "No warning, no null, I don't feel nauseous. I get headaches real bad. And the headaches? I didn't get no headaches or naught."
After recovering, Lil Wayne opened improving in an interview close to having multiple seizures throughout his life. In talking publically about his epilepsy and what IT feels like to feature a seizure, the rapper is helping to shed light on the condition for his millions of fans. He also has made it a point to let his fans experience that epilepsy won't damper his career plans or schedule, expression that his doctor "didn't assure me to do too much that a human doesn't do in any event. Sleep and feed right, that's about IT."

While the 26th President of the United States was perhaps prizewinning-known for his environmentalist efforts, Theodore Roosevelt also stayed active outside in the face of many wellness conditions. Among these were asthma, eye problems, and epileptic seizures. While Eleanor Roosevelt didn't speak about epilepsy straightaway because of stigmas and eugenic movements during the time He was alive, helium did speak out about overcoming challenges. He was quoted as saying, "Cold better is it to dare mighty things, to winnings glorious triumphs, tied though checked by failure … than to membership with those poor booze who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows non victory nor defeat." He also said, "Courage is non having the potency to go on; it is expiration connected when you don't have the strength."
Indeed, quotes such as these can inspire anyone. But they may especially inspire those WHO battle specific challenges, like epilepsy, regularly. Despite his health challenges, Roosevelt was known for being active. He was involved in numerous professional pursuits throughout his life.
Olympic athlete Dai Graham Greene is an deterrent example of how life style habits send away take in a real difference to your health. The British track and airfield hurdler has epilepsy, but he hasn't had a raptus in age.
After medications failed to eliminate his seizures, Greene realized that alcohol, stress, and want of sleep triggered them. He changed his lifestyle, cut kayoed alcohol, and started feeding amend.
In 2011, Greene told The Guardian how his family was skeptical about these changes at the start. He went on: "But they were fine in one case I discussed it with my specialist, who united to ME orgasm off medicine because I'd metamorphic my lifestyle dramatically. I was no longer imbibing … so I was confident I wouldn't put myself in a scenario where I'd have another seizure. I very rarely drink alcohol now. I've had some nights when I've gone drinking at the end of the season, but as long American Samoa I spend time in bed the close day I'm fine. Also, my girlfriend doesn't pledge, thusly that helps."
Piece we can reach Greene kudos for overcoming these challenges course, you shouldn't stop taking your medications without a serious discussion with your doctor. No one with a health chec condition should rely connected lifestyle changes alone without consulting a doctor up. But Dai's success shows that sun-loving extant can be a great supplement to vocation medical worry.
He will everlastingly be known for his theatrical role in the popular "Lethal Weapon" movies, but Danny Glover also impacts people when he talks about epilepsy. The Honorary society Honor-winning actor struggled with epilepsy and seizures as a child. Like many hoi polloi with epilepsy, atomic number 2 outgrew the trouble.
Glover attributes part of his success to beingness able to recognize the word of advice signs of seizures after his firstly one at the long time of 15. He same "Eventually, I could recognize it happening … Each time I got a bit stronger and the symptoms began to diminish to the point where I was ready to go on stage."
Today, Glover kit and boodle to get awareness to epilepsy past supporting the Epilepsy Foundation. Atomic number 2 contributes to the organization's programs for children and volunteers his prison term speaking all but epilepsy and bringing awareness to the issue.
Former Atlanta Falcons running back Jason Snelling is other measurable jock of the Epilepsy Foundation. He was diagnosed with epilepsy in college. With treatment, he was able to proceed his football career and get a successful professional athlete.
Snelling has been outspoken about his precondition — particularly the stigmas and difficulties surrounding diagnosis. In an interview, he said that "It took a long meter for the doctors to diagnose Maine because non all seizures are due to epilepsy; it could consume been a seizure disorder that was caused by something else. In my case, IT did turn intent on be epilepsy." Furthermore, he offers advice happening fear and stain: "You know, there's a big fear constituent about having seizures publicly, of maybe having one in front of different people. And I like to tell mass non to worry so much virtually that. Epilepsy can be managed, and you can fling along and do whatever you want to act up. I was able to fight my fears and have the best a lot of things; having epilepsy has actually built my character."
Today, Snelling works with the Epilepsy Foundation to bring awareness to the train. He reaches come out to others by speaking out about his own experiences. He also plant with the Foundation's African American initiative, Know the Difference. Snelling's outreach is helping to wreak awareness and funding to this important cause.
Legendary singer-ballad maker Neil Young has long lived with epilepsy. He likewise has a daughter who inherited the circumstance. In his memoir, "Waging Heavy Peace," he writes almost his epilepsy and another medical conditions. Helium even describes a related medical procedure he underwent years ago. Now banned, the procedure was painful and didn't serve his status. He says, "IT has to do with having a radioactive dye injected into your flighty scheme — basically into your back, so it goes rightmost into your systema nervosum … They usually get some bubbles of air and stuff in there as well, so when those go through your brain, it's torturing."
Today, Young lives well with controlled epilepsy and also helps his daughter to do her condition.
The char WHO made waves on "Britain's Got Talent" with her cover girl voice has likewise opened up about having epilepsy. The outside star struggled with the condition throughout her childhood. In recalling those struggles, she has said: "At school I exploited to faint a lot. It's something I've never talked about. I had epilepsy. People public don't consume things like that. All through my childhood they'd say epilepsy is to do with mental function. And now I realize information technology's non. I was upwards against all those barriers. It wasn't cushy."
Boyle has talked openly about her disability you bet it held her back. Adults in her life told her that her seizures were due to a mental defect, and for days she believed them. By talking about her struggles, Kay Boyle helps to shine a light on children who Crataegus oxycantha feel for complex emotions because of epilepsy.
His fans know him as the knowledgeable owner of the Gold and Silver Hock Shop and the star of "Pawn Stars." What Rick President Benjamin Harrison's fans might not know about him is that he lives with epilepsy. Harrison attributes his love of history to the fact that he was unnatural to pass much of his time arsenic a child inner the house, alone. The Epilepsy Institution has quoted President Harrison as saying, "Because of my seizures, I was forced to drop a lot of time in have intercourse in my room out from the television system when I was a kidskin … The uncomparable way to entertain myself was to read, so I became really interested in account books." He finished up development a lifelong passion for the subject.
Now, Harrison is bighearted rachis by working with the Epilepsy Foundation and portion the organization bring cognisance to his home state of NV.
Prince, the legendary performer and Grammy Award-winner, first talked about his puerility engagement with epilepsy publicly back in 2009. He delineated beingness made amusive of in school and having loving parents who weren't secure how to cope with his disorder. Helium told People cartridge: "My mother told me one day I walked in to her and said, 'Mom, I'm not going to throw up anymore,' and she said 'Wherefore?' and I said 'Because an angel told me so.' Now, I don't remember saying it, that's just what she told me."
However, the experiences formed his career and his success. Prince explained that the teasing from his classmates strained him to represent confident and to formulate a unequalled title and persona that helped make him noted: "Early in my vocation I tried to compensate by being as loud as I could and as noisy as I could." The way the latterly singer opened up about his epilepsy garnered further inspiration from his fans.
Athletes with epilepsy are in particular of import at inspiring others to succeed in the face of a physical impairment. Among some of the most exalting is Chanda Gunn, the goalie for the 2006 women's U.S. Athletic contest hockey team. Diagnosed at the years of nine, Chanda was already an avid athlete. When she was involuntary to give up swimming and surfriding, she took astir hockey and never looked back.
For Gunn, it's important to let other multitude with epilepsy make love that the condition South Korean won't hold you back from your dreams. Patc ice hockey mightiness be well-advised insidious for people with epilepsy, Gunn demonstrates that anything is possible. On epilepsy.com she writes: "There's no reason why a somebody with epilepsy canful't frolic sports Beaver State engage their dreams." Although she was afraid of the lark she's now famous for playing, she further says, "I've learned to live with it, the fear of the unknown, because I neediness to really experience life and for Pine Tree State that means playacting hockey."
Today, Gunn is one of the most successful women in U.S. hockey. She's besides a spokeswoman for the Epilepsy Therapy Project.
Former guard for three NFL teams and a winner of one Super Bowl, Alan Faneca has long been vocal about living with epilepsy. Atomic number 2 was diagnosed at the age of 15 and has coped with it e'er since. He's opened up about living in care (especially as a teenager) with epilepsy, and his early attempts to hide IT. Atomic number 2 was quoted in The New York Timesas saying, "I felt like a freak. You live scared that someone is going to find taboo, and they'Re going to imagine to a lesser extent of you. You're living in the shadows."
In spite of his condition, Faneca managed to have a 13-year career in paid football game that included various In favou Bowl awards. He's now a spokesperson for the Epilepsy Foundation, spreading awareness and teaching people first assistance for seizures.
Australian actor Hugo Weaving is record-breaking known to Americans for his roles in "The Intercellular substance" and "The Lord of the Rings."He started his battle with epilepsy American Samoa a teenager when he experienced major seizures leastways once a year. Weaving says that his disorder ne'er held him back, and that he didn't let it stop him from doing the things he loved to fare.
He's also been open about his experiences with the shape — including medications. In 2015, he was quoted in The Guardian as expression, "People always thought I was arranged rear, merely I was basically doped for 30 old age along epilepsy drugs. I ran out of my meds filming in the desert and went cold turkey. I was happening a moderately piercing dose and it was masking a skittish anxiety I didn't know I had."
Weaving always had a positive attitude about his illness and hoped that he would outgrow IT. Because of the seizures, he was never able to get a number one wood's license. Today, helium can say that his hopes came trusty. Atomic number 2 hasn't experienced a seizure in over 18 years.
Epilepsy is a mysterious condition with causes that are non forever fully understood. Many people germinate the disorder in puerility and outgrow it, while others have IT for a lifetime.
Seizures can be disruptive and sometimes drive injuries, simply they can equal controlled with treatment. As these effected people demonstrate, epilepsy doesn't have to stop you from enjoying your life and finding winner altogether that you do.
Source: https://www.healthline.com/health/celebrities-epilepsy
Posted by: brooksblaway.blogspot.com
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